米国連邦事業機会 (FBO : Federal Business Opportunities) のウェブサイトに、USSOCOM (United States Special Operations Command : 米特殊作戦軍) による将来の特殊部隊戦闘員向け戦闘 (服) 装備における、技術実証候補の勧誘をおこなう目的で、TALOS (Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit) についての RFI (Request For Information : 情報依頼書) が掲載された。RFI によれば、SOCOM は研究開発組織 (R&D Organizations) や民間企業、政府研究機関、学界から示される提案内容を鑑みて、特殊部隊兵士らへの能力向上の支援を加速したい考え。TALOS での提案は、主に肉体・精神的な負荷の軽減、機動性と防護技術の向上が目的に掲げられている。
* Advanced Armor: Materials to support next generation full-body ballistic protection
* Mobility/Agility: Enhancement platforms such as powered exoskeletons
* Situational Awareness (SA)
* Light/noise discipline
* Command, Control, Communications & Computers (C4): Such as conformable & wearable antennae and wearable computers
* Individual soldier combat ready displays: Including non-visual means of information display, and potentially utilization of cognitive thoughts and the surrounding environment to display personalized information
* Power generation and management
* Thermal management of suit occupant
* Medical: Embedded monitoring, oxygen systems, wound stasis, electromechanical compensation
Federal Business Opportunities: Opportunities 2013/05/15
Photo Credit: Anthony Taylor, 85th Support Command Public Affairs Office
Image is for illustration purposes only.
過去の「米軍 将来個人用戦闘装備」関連記事: