

2016年02月12日 20:34

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Marines with 3th Marine Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment train i...

Darkhorse #Marines with 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment train in the freezing cold winter of Hokkaido, Japan, alongside the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force, Feb. 5, 2016. What a difference between the temperatures here and in Camp Pendleton, California, 3/5's base. The battalion, which falls under 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF), is currently attached to 4th Marines, III MEF, through the unit deployment program. #IIIMEF

Posted by III MEF Marines on 2016年2月9日
北海道の矢臼別演習場などで、陸上自衛隊と米海兵隊による恒例の年次共同訓練「フォレストライト 2016」が、1 月 26 日から 2 月 6 日の期間におこなわれた。

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Watch the Darkhorse #Marines of 3/5 take a break from the snow of Forest Light, and learn some martial arts skills from the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force in Hokkaido, Japan! The battalion, based in Camp Pendleton, California, falls under I Marine Expeditionary Force but is currently supporting 4th Marines, III MEF, through the unit deployment program.

Posted by III MEF Marines on 2016年2月10日
第 3 海兵遠征軍 (3MEF: 3rd Marine Expeditionary Force) の公式 FaceBook では、海兵隊 (3/5, Dark Horse) と陸上自衛隊による寒冷地での歩兵訓練の様子が公開中。雪上迷彩に身を包み凍てつく大地でおこなわれた訓練の他、格闘訓練の様子などが収録されている。
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Marines redefine snow ball fight with Japanese counterparts

Darkhorse Marines with 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment redefine snowball fights with their Japanese counterparts in Hokkaido, Japan! The battalion is currently supporting 4th Marine Regiment through the unit deployment program. A full video on the exercise is coming later this afternoon... #Marines #USMC #IIIMEF #Darkhorse #IMEF

Posted by III MEF Marines on 2016年2月9日
この他、3MEF のビデオギャラリーには、2 月 1 日におこなわれた両国隊員が本気で雪合戦に取り組む様子を収めた映像を公開している。

日米料理対決「Iron Chef」、共同方面隊指揮所演習「ヤマサクラ」で実施

III MEF Marines 2016/02/10