FN Herstal 次世代 MINIMI LMG ローンチ

エアソフト・サバゲー・実銃・アウトドア関連 Comments(0)
FN Herstal 次世代 MINIMI LMG ローンチベルギー銃器メーカー FN Herstal は、フランス Paris で開催中 (2013/11/19 - 22) の展示会 MILIPOL において、FN MINIMI LMG (Light Machine Gun : 軽機関銃) の次世代モデル FN MINIMI Mk3 (5.56mm / 7.62mm) を発表。兵士の装備や戦術の変化、周辺アクセサリーへの対応など、過去 10 ~ 15 年において吸い上げられた要求をフィードバックしたもの。核となるメカニズムを残しつつも、人間工学上の改善や、機動性の向上を図っている。主な変更点は以下の通り。

* an ergonomic buttstock adjustable in length (5 positions) to allow compensation for body armor and load bearing equipment. The buttstock is adjustable for cheek rest height as well. The user can have his eye correctly aligned with the iron sights, or optical sights, while keeping his cheek properly positioned on the buttstock. It also integrates a folding shoulder rest and a hydraulic buffer that stabilizes the rate of fire and reduces felt recoil,

* a new handguard/bipod assembly that provides a comfortable handguard and three forward MIL-STD 1913 Picatinny® accessory rails. The adjustable-height (3 positions) bipod, when folded back, integrates into the shape of the handguard even with an accessory on the lower rail,

* an ergonomically-shaped cocking handle that gives the user a better grip with the strong or weak hand,

* an improved feed tray with belt retaining pawls that hold the belt correctly in position during the loading procedure, which is most useful when the user is in the standing position,

* an optional heatshield that greatly reduces the risk of inadvertently touching the barrel,

* the convertibility of the FN MINIMI® 7.62 to fire 5.56x45mm ammunition.

FN Herstal 2013/11/19
Photo : FN MINIMI® 5.56 Mk3 Tactical SB Machine Gun, here with optional accessories including heatshield

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